Friday, December 4, 2009

The End

Dear Friends,

Blog is done with.

I'm over it.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Africa - a continent of equality and acceptance

Whilst on my daily travels from hotel room to bar - and on occasion to the "chicken-head soup" restaurant I have noticed many special qualities Nigeria has to offer.

Sure I may have begun my stay here thinking very little of the people, of the country, of the food, of the infrastructure etc but now, well - I think much less of them all.

Gasp and horror I hear, but I have a slight bit of substantiary evidence at my disposal and today I am going to share with you they manner in which Nigerian culture treats the world with the utmost respect.

Women's rights
Equal Rights for women

Fair treatment of the disabled
Fair treatment of the disabled

Enjoy the week everybody.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Miley Friday

Im sorry Miley is late guys - Nigeria is killing me, along with Jacques bosses.

So without further ado...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nigeria - Uber fun!

Just a quick update to let ya'll know we're keeping strong over the arse end of the world.



SMC Model


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Well, after much delay I and SMC model are here in Enugu in Nigeria. When we asked our escort why there were so many police roadblocks, he simply replied "Kidnapping has increased a lot lately". Not cool!

To better describe the essence of this place to you all a have prepared a bit of show and tell.

Basically, it's like this...


True story.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Miley!

Yes, the truest story of them all is upon us today.

Miley turns 17 today - born this day back in 1992 did her folks know the greatness they were about to bestow upon the world?

Whether they knew it or not - we applaud and thank them.

Happy Happy Miley!

Friday, November 20, 2009

It's Magic

 From the girl with the hair - Selena Gomez - for Jacques.

How can you not like that? It's impossible.

Happy Friday!

So here we are again - amazing how quickly Friday has yet again snuck up upon us.

Before we begin I should say that I'm not quite in Nigeria, but work has begun and I'll be there on Monday it seems. My last weekend of civilization for a while is upon me. Tragic times these.

Anyway Miley Friday, awesome as ever and as an added bonus it's Miley's birthday on Monday so expect more on that...







You're welcome.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

National Anthem Debacle

Basically, all I have to say about Ras' performance is...

Now that's a true story.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The awesomeness of Google Street View

So it's been out for quite some time now, Google Street View that is. You may even have seen the little Toyota Prius cars running about in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban etc.

But have you taken the time to log onto Google Earth and see what it's all about? Quite frankly I think it's the best thing since...well Miley. And with a credit note like that you know it's got to be filled with loads of awesomeness.

So, for those of you who have had a look, good on ya! For those of you who have not done so as of yet and perhaps need some convincing...

Street View - Time Square

Street View - Eiffel Tower

 Street View - Colosseum

 Street View - Big Ben

It's like being there, just not.

The stuff for South Africa isn't on Google Earth quite yet but be patient, soon it will be and you can check out your house or Pick 'n Pay or some other stuff. (not quite the same value as the picks above but cool none-the-less).

P.S. I'm off to Nigeria tonight so.. it's been nice knowing ya'll.