Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Morale boost!

Gents, and some ladies.

I fear that the office morale is at an all time low. As such, I have conjured up a most cunning plan to boost spirits!

Here you are, hope everyone feels much better!

Victoria's Secret...



And a video for good measure...

I Hope ya'll are much happier!

ICC Champions Trophy

Did anyone watch the game yesterday between New Zealand and England?

If you didn't it went down something like this...



I think it should also be stated that the same fellow who would not allow our captain a runner the other day scored a glorious 0. That's right Andrew Strauss got nothing, zip, zero. In fact I'm considering him for the FAIL of the week award.

And that's a true story.

As seen on Bing!

Following yesterday's proud Google moment there was a comment made by none other than our very own SMC Model that you've not "arrived", so to speak, until you're listed on Bing - apparently Google isn't good enough.

So without further ado, here you are, proof of true success (apparently).

So there you are.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Miley does it again!

I know it's not Friday - but I'm sure you'll forgive me.

This is the latest video from dear Miley Cyrus and I dare say she's "killing it" in this video!


Still loving the Miley

A Proud Google Moment

Now I know that these days you can "Google" just about anything and you'll find it.

But when the day comes that you "Google" something magical and self-created and that pops up as the top result, well that's special, isn't it?

So here we now stand - with "True Story - Ur Killing Me" just one week and one day old, sitting proudly on your Google search results page.

The pride is overwhelming.

Have a good day my friends!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hitler's skull it aint!

True story - perhaps?

An Amercian scientist who conducted DNA tests on what was thought to be the skull of the filthy Nazi leader Adolf Hitler says that the skull is actually that of a woman!

Turns out there are quite a few historians and such who say they don't believe Hitler died in that bunker in the depths of Berlin back in '45 as the soviets marched their way through the city.

                                           Thought to be Hitler's skull with bullet hole.

How crazy would that be?

Original story here, Sky News

I want this guy's job

I came across this delightful story recently...

True story is as follows.

Katy Perry, as seen below, was filming for some video and her "assets" became mis-aligned. But rather than correct things herself it seemed far more fitting that she get some guy to do it for her. In this case it's the make-up guy.

So just a thought for any of you if you're seeking a career change.

The evidence plus some extra...


From the look on her face I don't think she minds at all.

And you're welcome.

Taylor Swift Moment

This morning's addition comes as a request from our very own "SMC Model".

Personally, I think she's too tall but anyway.

I did my best, hope you enjoy...




Not too bad I guess.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Jessica Biel going up the mountain

Who doesn't like Jessica Biel? I can't think of a valid reason not to like her and now it gets even better.

True stroy...

She's going to climb Mt Kilimanjaro early next year  in order to raise awareness about the need for clean water. How nice of her. Not sure though how many people don't know they need clean water, but anyway, why argue? Let us rather appreciate her efforts as well as her other, um... "qualities".

Ja, I know.

Original story here, News24

Well it's Friday, isn't it?

No need for stories, just enjoy...

Happy Friday and you're welcome.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gotta watch it!

So for those of you who took my advice and watched the recommended shows last night you were treated to some wonderful sights and even a guest appearance by Jenny McCarthy!

I know, how lucky were you!

Anyway, I thought I'd do you all a solid and let you in on some even better advice.

Tonight, 8:30pm on Vuzu it's Gossip Girl. If I'm honest, it doesn't really matter what it's about, all you need to know is this:

And this

And my favourite

Who also features in this

Her name is Leighton Meester - remember this because one day you'll bear witness to the "home video" she made recently and you'll be like, "no way, Captain told me that would happen".

Or something.

You're welcome.

Equal rights for women

True story.

The women of the Swedish army are very upset because of the sub-standard brassieres they have to "work" with.

The fact is that they unclip too easily. Granted, there's a time and a place for such a bra, but not when you're getting you're ass shot off. (Not sure where or when exactly the Swedish army does anything though, but anyway).

So I thought to myself - is it even worth investigating this issue any further, they're army chicks right? Can they really be worthy of the glory of this blog and worthy of us paying attention to their complaints?

Well have a look at some pics of some of the women of the Swedish army...

And her too...

I know, they're killing it.

So in conclusion, HELL YEAH, give them whatever they want!

Some more pics here, Swedish Army Women

And original story here, News24

As always, you're welcome!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday Television

So it's Tuesday night, you're home and nothing to do so you decide to switch on the tele and have a gander on what their is for you to watch, flipping through the channels at random, never quite settling on anything decent.

Worry no more - I've got you sorted. Follow my lead and have a look at these 2 shows.

1. Chuck - basically, the story is that this guy has all the US government secrets in his head and the government needs his help to save the world. Awesome, I know.

But why should you watch it you may wonder?

True story lads. - Mnet at 7:30.

2. Privileged -certainly lesser known than Chuck but worth the watch none the less. The story centres around 2 little rich girls who need a bit of help at school so their grandma gets them a tutor...etc etc.

Your reason for watching?



And this...

Vuzu, channel 123 at 8:30.

I know, you're welcome.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pass the pineapple

The "pineapple" as it's affectionately known at an educational institute here in Johannesburg, is a manner in which those who have failed can have their shame posted for all to see.

Can I use the pineapple Ginger and Mr. Diana?

So, with permission from said institution the first pineapple shall be passed - or rather accepted by us here in Fourways...

I thought it was high time someone made public the degree of failure we here at work endure everyday.

And so, in the spirit of failure, let the world know that you're not invited - but if you're coming up anyway, well we don't want you to fall.

This kills me.

Anyway, it's Monday and a 4 day week, don't let it get you down DIY Guy (aka Steve).

Looking for a new home?

I heard, through the grapevine, that Jacques was looking to buy himself a pad. A bit of a place to which he shall lure the ladies (so to speak).

True story.

Anyway, being the nice guy I am, I've got you sorted Jacques. I've found you a place. 4 Bed, fancy ass kitchen,nice garden, restaurant - you know, the normal stuff.

And it's a bargain at R100 000 000!

Have a look, Pam Golding Website

Sunday, September 20, 2009

It starts...

An EPIC true story is about to unfold!

Following the monumental success of the famed "Miley Friday" I quickly became accutely aware of how necessary it was for me to develop my weekly efforts into something far more than that of its humble beginnings.

You see, it has always been the case that what I produced week after week - the comedy, the literaure, the visually pleasing displays - was never really done for my sake. Oh no, the route cause was something far greater! Yes gents, I did it for you. Your somber faces staring at me week in and week out pleaded to me to bring some form of escapism to your lives.

And so, from where we began, with so many of you afraid and unwilling to take pleasure in the weekly tribute, to where we are now - crying out for more and sending unpleasent emails when I'm late in delivering - "True Story - Ur Killing Me" - is born.

Expect more of the same and so much more. Mullets are only the beginning.

Brilliant, I know!