Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday Television

So it's Tuesday night, you're home and nothing to do so you decide to switch on the tele and have a gander on what their is for you to watch, flipping through the channels at random, never quite settling on anything decent.

Worry no more - I've got you sorted. Follow my lead and have a look at these 2 shows.

1. Chuck - basically, the story is that this guy has all the US government secrets in his head and the government needs his help to save the world. Awesome, I know.

But why should you watch it you may wonder?

True story lads. - Mnet at 7:30.

2. Privileged -certainly lesser known than Chuck but worth the watch none the less. The story centres around 2 little rich girls who need a bit of help at school so their grandma gets them a tutor...etc etc.

Your reason for watching?



And this...

Vuzu, channel 123 at 8:30.

I know, you're welcome.

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