Sunday, September 20, 2009

It starts...

An EPIC true story is about to unfold!

Following the monumental success of the famed "Miley Friday" I quickly became accutely aware of how necessary it was for me to develop my weekly efforts into something far more than that of its humble beginnings.

You see, it has always been the case that what I produced week after week - the comedy, the literaure, the visually pleasing displays - was never really done for my sake. Oh no, the route cause was something far greater! Yes gents, I did it for you. Your somber faces staring at me week in and week out pleaded to me to bring some form of escapism to your lives.

And so, from where we began, with so many of you afraid and unwilling to take pleasure in the weekly tribute, to where we are now - crying out for more and sending unpleasent emails when I'm late in delivering - "True Story - Ur Killing Me" - is born.

Expect more of the same and so much more. Mullets are only the beginning.

Brilliant, I know!

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