Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Equal rights for women

True story.

The women of the Swedish army are very upset because of the sub-standard brassieres they have to "work" with.

The fact is that they unclip too easily. Granted, there's a time and a place for such a bra, but not when you're getting you're ass shot off. (Not sure where or when exactly the Swedish army does anything though, but anyway).

So I thought to myself - is it even worth investigating this issue any further, they're army chicks right? Can they really be worthy of the glory of this blog and worthy of us paying attention to their complaints?

Well have a look at some pics of some of the women of the Swedish army...

And her too...

I know, they're killing it.

So in conclusion, HELL YEAH, give them whatever they want!

Some more pics here, Swedish Army Women

And original story here, News24

As always, you're welcome!

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