Thursday, October 29, 2009

Defend Miley's Honour - Again

Yes this "True Story" breaks on the eve of "Miley Friday". It seems, as my niece would say, "jealousy makes you nasty" is proved true again.

Miley Cyrus has been voted as the "worst celebrity influence of 2009" by What's worse is that the sight is aimed at (and thus the voters are) teenagers. Kids suck! Honestly, she was voted worse than Britney Spears and Kanye West - they're "killing me".

The whole sad story is here News24.

An extract...

Los Angeles - Miley Cyrus, one of Disney's hottest stars of the past three years with hit records and hit films, has been voted the worst celebrity influence of 2009 by the very people who made her a star, tweens and teens, according to an online poll on Wednesday.
Cyrus, 16, took 42% of votes in the poll for AOL's (Just So You Know) website aimed at 9-15 year-olds, pushing Britney Spears and rapper Kanye West into second and third places, respectively, in a section on worst celebrity influences of the year.

This makes me sad, it really does.

But, it gets even worse for Miley, for you see her stalker is off the hook!

Savannah - A Georgia grand jury has refused to indict a 53-year-old on charges of attempting to stalk teen star Miley Cyrus as she filmed a movie.

The grand jury decided on Wednesday that prosecutors failed to present sufficient evidence to indict Mark McLeod of Appling, Georgia, on charges of attempted stalking, obstruction of a police officer and disturbing the peace.

McLeod has been jailed since August 4 after police arrested him twice on Tybee Island, where 16-year-old Cyrus was filming The Last Song.

Police say McLeod told them he was engaged to marry the Hannah Montana star and resisted being escorted from the set.

A spokesperson for Chatham County District Attorney Larry Chisolm said he had no immediate comment, but was working on a statement. McLeod remained in jail on Wednesday.

You must be joking! Source News24.

So in an effort to restore some form of dignity for our beloved Miley I give you...

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