Thursday, October 29, 2009

Defend Miley's Honour - Again

Yes this "True Story" breaks on the eve of "Miley Friday". It seems, as my niece would say, "jealousy makes you nasty" is proved true again.

Miley Cyrus has been voted as the "worst celebrity influence of 2009" by What's worse is that the sight is aimed at (and thus the voters are) teenagers. Kids suck! Honestly, she was voted worse than Britney Spears and Kanye West - they're "killing me".

The whole sad story is here News24.

An extract...

Los Angeles - Miley Cyrus, one of Disney's hottest stars of the past three years with hit records and hit films, has been voted the worst celebrity influence of 2009 by the very people who made her a star, tweens and teens, according to an online poll on Wednesday.
Cyrus, 16, took 42% of votes in the poll for AOL's (Just So You Know) website aimed at 9-15 year-olds, pushing Britney Spears and rapper Kanye West into second and third places, respectively, in a section on worst celebrity influences of the year.

This makes me sad, it really does.

But, it gets even worse for Miley, for you see her stalker is off the hook!

Savannah - A Georgia grand jury has refused to indict a 53-year-old on charges of attempting to stalk teen star Miley Cyrus as she filmed a movie.

The grand jury decided on Wednesday that prosecutors failed to present sufficient evidence to indict Mark McLeod of Appling, Georgia, on charges of attempted stalking, obstruction of a police officer and disturbing the peace.

McLeod has been jailed since August 4 after police arrested him twice on Tybee Island, where 16-year-old Cyrus was filming The Last Song.

Police say McLeod told them he was engaged to marry the Hannah Montana star and resisted being escorted from the set.

A spokesperson for Chatham County District Attorney Larry Chisolm said he had no immediate comment, but was working on a statement. McLeod remained in jail on Wednesday.

You must be joking! Source News24.

So in an effort to restore some form of dignity for our beloved Miley I give you...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What the hell eats a great white shark!

True Story

A 10 foot (3+ metre) great white shark has been bitten, nearly in half, by what experts estimate must be a 20 foot (6+ metre) shark!

It all went down just east of Brisbane Australia and basically the Aussies are now kakking themselves because a shark that big is lurking the coastline of the surfing "Mecca".

This is the result...

Great white shark bite

How crazy is that?

Anyway, original story here at Sky News.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

3D Art for Your Garage!

Is your garage a filthy pit of horror and despair? Or maybe it's just too simple and plain looking for your tastes?

Problem solved. has you sorted. They make some brilliant tarpaulins you just put over your garage door to give it an awesome new look. Even better, it's in 3D so they look super-duper real, as if you've got something special in your garage.

3D Garage - Beach Scene

3D Garage - Classic Car

3D Garage - Empty Garage

 3D Garage - F1 Car

How cool is that?

Check out the website for more or have a look on Sky News.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Only in Africa

Africa - the land of many "true stories" and things that kill us (literally).

Credit to "The Ginge" for the pics.

Potholes - keep left



 Potholes for 9600km


Friday, October 23, 2009

I Love Miley...Friday

True story.

Today is a great day. I feel that the Miley Friday you are about to see is some of her/my best work to date.

I have chosen for you two photoshoots done by a chap called Michael Lavine. Miley looks possibly too good in these. You should recognise the one but the other is fresh!

I expect to receive comments such as: Captain, this is too awesome, the awesomeness is overwhelming.

Deal with it. You deserve this. And do yourselves a favour and click on the images and see them in their full glorious size.


I know, almost too wonderfully brilliant and fantastic for words - but that's how Miley rolls.

Today, more than most days - you're welcome! Happy Friday.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Defend Miley's Honour!

Recently a tragic event occurred. Dear Miley and Kim Cattrall pitched up at some shindig wearing the same outfit - tragic I know. But, what's worse is that people seem to think it has come down do a vote on who looks better in said outfit.

Now I will admit that I might have an ever so slightly biased opinion on the matter but I put that aside when casting my most objective vote on the matter. The vote I'm talking about, or poll, was posted on the Women24 website. It's great to note the title they have given the post "Mutton and Lamb" - love it! I implore you to visit them here, Women24, and make the right choice - Miley Cyrus.

I don't want you to vote purely because I say so, but rather because it's the right thing to do!

In case you're wondering, this is the supposed "competition".

Miley Cyrus and Kim Cattrall
See how Miley looks at Kim Cattrall, all the time Miley knowing that she's "killing it". I think she must be laughing hysterically inside.

But it just goes to prove how HUGE Miley is in the celeb world. Even the has-beens are trying to be like her.

Remember to vote! Women24

Miley - well done love

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

BBC Landscape Photograph of the Year

The BBC "Landscape Photograph of the Year" competetion for 2009 wrapped up recently and there are some pretty awesome pics, two of which are here:

Rannoch Moor

 Hebden Bridge

Not too shabby are they?

See the rest of 'em here.

Monday, October 19, 2009

SA Sports Illustrated Swimwear Edition 2009

Ja, True Story, it's out today and hopefully the website will be up soon too.

SA Sports Illustrated Swimwear Edition  cover for 2009 looks something like this...

SA Sports Illustrated Swimwear 2009

That's Catrinel Menghia right there, not too bad I suppose.

Some of the models for this years are: Dominique Piek, Genevieve Debra Morton, Candice Boucher, Catrinel Menghia, Lera Koryts'ka, Lyndall Melissa Jarvis, Marzaan Kallis, Shane' van der Westhuizen, Shashi Naidoo, Tanya Moira Mangany and Elbe van der Merwe.

Anyway, check out some of the pics here until the new site is up and running.

Also, the TV show part of it all will be on MNet on the 24th October at 09:30PM - don't miss it, in fact PVR that thing.

As always - ur welcome.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Miley Friday

It's that time again - Miley Friday - what joy!

Miley Cyrus Red Carpet

 Miley Cyrus camera shopping

 Miley Cyrus bicycle

 Miley Cyrus wink

 Miley Cyrus on bench

Do yourselves a favour and watch Hannah Montana today at 16:00, 18:35 or 20:40 on the Disney channel. Or tomorrow or Sunday or ... you catch my drift.

You are most welcome and HAPPY FRIDAY!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Ho White" beer advertisment

Yip, it's true. "Snow White" has changed her tune and in keeping up with the times, "Ho White" is born!

A beer company has launched (and now seemingly ceased) an ad campaign using "Ho White" as thier mascot/model - call her what you like.

I thought it was pretty funny, but Disney (the birthplace my my beloved Miley) does not agree - basically they're kakking themselves over the whole issue.

This is what it looks like...

Ho White
Ho White in action.

Some versions of the original story Sky News and AdelaideNow.

Payment of me debt...

Yes it's a True Story - I have a debt to pay.

But no ordinary kind of debt, no sir. You see, as I returned to my desk after having performed some slave labour yesterday I was greeted by a most glorious site. A life sized Miley poster was hanging above my blogging station.

I must admit, I was speechless but very touched by the thought and consideration of it all.

Thus, I see it only fitting that I repay those little Miley poster fairies for their kind addition to my life.

So, upon request from "SMC Model" and "that guy Debbie wants to feed", I give to you Taylor Swift and Shakira...

Taylor Swift posing

 Taylor Swift shopping

 Taylor Swift red carpet

 Taylor Swift grocery store

That was for SMC Model, and now for "that guy who Debbie wants to feed"

Shakira waving

 Shakira posing

 Shakira undressed

 Shakira lingerie

Thanks again guys!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

When times are tight...

With the current economic situation as it is, it becomes imperative that when something breaks you don't buy a new one - no sir, you fix it up good as new.

So today, I present to you the results of the hard fixer-upper work I'm talking about.

Look at the awesomeness of some of these repair jobs...

Fuel cap lock

 Foosball repair

 Hand dryer

 Cross walk - with fence

 Wheelchair motorbike

Compliments of, There I Fixed It

And you're welcome.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Is Ellen DeGeneres the smartest woman ever?

True story goes as such...

Ellen DeGeneres has a talk show she hosts every day. If you're lucky you can catch it on Mnet Series at 00:00, 06:00, 12:00 and the new show at 18:00 each weekday. The basics are simple, get a few guests on the show, play some games and hand out money and prizes to the audience - Yay, everbody loves Ellen!

Now, this is where the brilliance of it all is explained...

Ellen DeGeneres not only hosts a killer show but, she is also a lesbian. Now, what has that got to do with anything you ask? Well it's simple really.

Being a lesbian, Ellen has a girlfirend/life partner/wife - Portia de Rossi.

Portia de Rossi

Now that's not bad is it?

Next, who goes and watches talk shows? Women!
Who does Ellen love? Women!

Who gets invited as guests on the show? Well, I'll show you...

 Pussy Cat Dolls


Rashida Jones on Ellen

 I swear Ellen was looking down her dress the whole time!

So you see everyday Ellen DeGeneres goes home to Portia de Rossi and Portia asks, "How was work love?". To which Ellen replies, "You know, same as every other day, bla bla bla ..."

But Ellen, we know what you're really thinking and kudos to you. Awesome plan, awesome strategy and quite honestly I can easily say...

Ellen, you're killing it!