Thursday, October 1, 2009

Rash accusations and apologies

So it would seem that some of our viewers/readers and such are displeased with the seemingly one sided, male oriented  view point and content of this, our most cherished blog.

So I took a look at the blog from an objective view point and decided that it's brilliant as it is.

However, I'm always willing to accommodate the ladies and I aim to please. So in an effort to change my flawed ways - but not to diverge too drastically from the overall tone and feeling of the blog.

So without further ado, and not much time to prepare either, I'm sure you've seen it before, but here it is again:

Dolce and Gabbana - something for the boys and something for the girls!

I hope this pleases?

1 comment:

  1. How very kind of you! I see we do not go unnoticed! Thank you Captain.
