Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Is Ellen DeGeneres the smartest woman ever?

True story goes as such...

Ellen DeGeneres has a talk show she hosts every day. If you're lucky you can catch it on Mnet Series at 00:00, 06:00, 12:00 and the new show at 18:00 each weekday. The basics are simple, get a few guests on the show, play some games and hand out money and prizes to the audience - Yay, everbody loves Ellen!

Now, this is where the brilliance of it all is explained...

Ellen DeGeneres not only hosts a killer show but, she is also a lesbian. Now, what has that got to do with anything you ask? Well it's simple really.

Being a lesbian, Ellen has a girlfirend/life partner/wife - Portia de Rossi.

Portia de Rossi

Now that's not bad is it?

Next, who goes and watches talk shows? Women!
Who does Ellen love? Women!

Who gets invited as guests on the show? Well, I'll show you...

 Pussy Cat Dolls


Rashida Jones on Ellen

 I swear Ellen was looking down her dress the whole time!

So you see everyday Ellen DeGeneres goes home to Portia de Rossi and Portia asks, "How was work love?". To which Ellen replies, "You know, same as every other day, bla bla bla ..."

But Ellen, we know what you're really thinking and kudos to you. Awesome plan, awesome strategy and quite honestly I can easily say...

Ellen, you're killing it!

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