Thursday, October 15, 2009

Payment of me debt...

Yes it's a True Story - I have a debt to pay.

But no ordinary kind of debt, no sir. You see, as I returned to my desk after having performed some slave labour yesterday I was greeted by a most glorious site. A life sized Miley poster was hanging above my blogging station.

I must admit, I was speechless but very touched by the thought and consideration of it all.

Thus, I see it only fitting that I repay those little Miley poster fairies for their kind addition to my life.

So, upon request from "SMC Model" and "that guy Debbie wants to feed", I give to you Taylor Swift and Shakira...

Taylor Swift posing

 Taylor Swift shopping

 Taylor Swift red carpet

 Taylor Swift grocery store

That was for SMC Model, and now for "that guy who Debbie wants to feed"

Shakira waving

 Shakira posing

 Shakira undressed

 Shakira lingerie

Thanks again guys!

1 comment:

  1. Pleasure! Lets hope the poster does not get worn out....
